Happy Trails


There is something that feels so good when you know where you are going. I remember when you used to have to get a paper map out of the glove compartment, unfold it and then try to discern where you were so you could get to where you wanted to go. It was laborious and such an awful experience. Today I tell my phone to give me directions to my destination and it offers me step by step instructions! It even confirms for me "you've arrived!" That's amazing!
Did you realize that God can guide you and your life journey? There's a good way to get to where you are going and there is a God way. When you ask the Lord for directions, he takes you on the best path. And he offers counsel and help along the way. God is watching over you!
So the next time you begin to feel lost; like you've missed a turn, just ask the Lord to bring you back to the path. That path contains more joy and happiness than you could ever find on your own. Happy trails!


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