Friends are Friends Forever

There are moments in your life that you know could have only been orchestrated by God. Many years ago I found myself in Tulsa without a job because the church I had begun serving at imploded the month I got there! Though I was shocked and a bit disoriented, I heard the Lord say to me, "you are a pastor". I remember walking around my neighborhood each day, (I had no job) telling myself what the Lord had said. It seemed kind of funny at the time. Looking back I realize that it was the Lord calling me into ministry in a very personal and profound way. Though I had co-pastored the ministry of Carman for two decades previously, I stepped out in faith and started The Landing Community Church with a handful of people and a desire to pursue what the Lord had said to me. It was one of the most blessed seasons of my life and so fulfilling personally. In fact I was about 6 months in one Sunday morning and preaching when it dawned on me, I was a pastor! God fulfilled what he had said.
After 15 years as lead pastor, the Lord spoke again and told me to pursue a grand God sized vision. So we transitioned the church so that the youth pastors took it over while I pursued the next assignment.
It's been 10 years since I left and I think about this ministry and the people every single day. Together we did some things that could have only been done by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
You and I have divine connections in our life that we need to notice and never forget. The people in your life matter: every single one of them! You may not be with them forever so make the most of every minute you have with every single one of them. You'll be glad you did! #friends4ever

