Expose Your Heart


There is just one word that has been on my mind lately…vulnerability. I’ve heard it spoken in several settings and it prompted me to look deeper into its meaning and impact. By definition, vulnerability is the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. Yikes, that’s not anything I need! But I also believe that vulnerability allows you to be loved and cared for, as well as to love others in a deeper and more meaningful way. Sounds a bit risky doesn’t it?
Exposing our heart to another person is scary for sure, especially if you have ever been hurt in a relationship before. Nobody wants to experience pain over and over again. Broken hearts seem to take forever to heal. Being vulnerable opens up our heart and makes a way for others to get to know who we truly are. The real you can come out.
So how can you protect yourself from the darker side of vulnerability? Well, you can’t. But the Lord can walk with you through your new season as you engage and connect with a world of new faces. There are people in your life right now that want to know you. They are standing at the door and waiting for a small opening so they can walk with you. Being vulnerable opens the door and makes a way for you to love and be loved completely. 
Is there a risk in opening this door? Yes, but the possibility of colliding with God’s purpose far outweighs anything the enemy may want to do.  Trust in the Lord and He will make the path straight. He will bring you good success. And He will surround you with some amazing people that want to make a personal and emotional connection. You can't get to courage without walking through vulnerability. Take a risk and trust Him with the outcome!


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