A New Ending
I know that life has been a bit different in 2020 to say the least! When I was celebrating the new year and rejoicing over what happened in 2019 and setting my goals and hopes high for 2020, I never imagined any of the things we are walking through. In less than 3 month, my office would ask us to work from home. This was my least favorite thing to do because I love spending time with co-workers and collaboration on every level. As I crossed into the second half of this unusual year, I had to search deep for something to give me hope and make me smile. Nothing has really changed as far as my circumstances. I have friends that lost jobs, loved ones, apartments and homes and my heart breaks for each of them. And our country continues to feel the pangs of division and hopelessness. You are most likely dealing with some of this too.
While we cannot go back and restart 2020, we can choose to get up this day and be happy. We can choose to use our abilities to help others and our resources to bring relief for those that are desperate. We can do this. The question is, will we? Did you know that helping others is the doorway to seeing things in your life change too? Try it. It works every time. Let’s use our lives to bless others and lift up their spirits. We will overcome all of this. Hang in there. Be safe!