Trust Leads to Triumph
Today my heart is heavy for our country and others as well that are dealing with this virus that has changed the way we live our lives. People are always scared by what they do not know or understand. We should be concerned. We should also be Christ dependent. When I saw this image I noticed words that make up the type of person that I want to be: sweet, strong, human, humble and still going!
Fact is we cannot predict when things like this will happen and when they come upon us in enormous waves as the coronavirus has, we need to prepare, be careful and completely and undeniably trust in God.
We have limited knowledge and strength but with God ALL things are possible. We are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. And when we come through all of this to the other side, we will see His hand upon us and thank Him for what we learned and how this pandemic drew us closer to Him.
Be sweet to each other. Pray. Stay strong. Be mindful of all that is going on around you. Humble yourselves. Trust in God. Trust leads to triumph.
Happiness keeps you SWEET. Trials keep you STRONG. Sorrows keep you HUMAN. Failures keep you HUMBLE. And God, keeps you GOING. Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph!