A Word of Encouragement

Every person on the planet could use a word of encouragement right now. As we deal with this silent enemy called the coronavirus, we need to do what we can to stay connected by text, phone and video. I have to admit, staying home inside a one bedroom apartment is driving me crazy!! Fortunately, I can take long walks outside, pray, read and listen to music to lift my spirits up. 
Our office even decided to work remote so this will be the new normal. Is it tough? Yes. Impossible? Not at all. I’m using the time to take care of myself and do whatever I can to stay connected to others.  And I always try to send some encouragement because I know how crucial it is.
Know this: I am praying for you and your family today. I’m praying that you will have divine health and take advantage of family time and being together. Good things are going to come from all of this. They already are. Be strong and trust in the Lord and the power of His might. 
#cupofjoe #encourageothers

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