Drifting Leads to Shifting
Hebrews 2:1 MSG
There are many things today that can try to derail us and take us off the course that the Lord has designed for our lives. Many people are blind-sided by financial woes. Others have relationship issues that send them off track. And some lose their grip by simply letting go.
Whatever the situation, we must be careful to not get sidelined by difficult times and challenging people. Jesus told us that this world we live in would have trouble in it. And it does not take long to find it around you. And then He gave us the good news...He has overcome the world!
It’s crucial to keep a firm grip on the Good News that we are hearing from the Word of God and the people God has chosen to speak into our lives. Drifting leads to shifting. People drift when they lose sight of the target. They no longer focus on what is right and they allow the winds of adversity to sway them to the left and the right. Don’t drift. Keep a firm grip on truth. Hold tight without wavering to all that God has promised you. He can be trusted to keep His promise! Hebrews 10:23
#cupofjoe #driftingleadstoshifting