If you have followed the ministry of Cup of Joe for any length of time, you may already be aware of the incredible journey that I have experienced. For two decades of my life I served the ministry of Carman, a Christian music icon of the 80's and 90's. It was such an unbelievable season being part of a music ministry that saw more than 1 million people receive Christ. Carman was an amazing friend and leader and together we accomplished so many miraculous things. In 2000 I left that organization to launch into a season of building something that the Lord was birthing in me: a church that would reach out to those that had been wounded and bruised by ministry and ministers. That church, The Landing Community Church, would do more in my 15 years there, than I ever imagined. We would help bring community to the church and the church to the community. I served with some of the best people in the world and my heart was overflowing.
In 2014 something began churn in my heart and I felt the season of being the "front" person was ending. I believed that the anointing of the Lord was stronger on me when I assisted others. I believed that I was to go and serve a grand, God-sized vision. That's all I knew. I had no plan. In order for that to happen and for me to find that place God was now calling me towards, many things would need to occur. So in 2015, I took the largest leap of faith that I ever had. And that is the context of this book. Change was imminent and I started to ask myself some questions to help me prepare my heart and my mind for what would take place. After the process was over, it was clear to me that other people could benefit by asking some of the same questions I did. I I shared them in this book.

How do I know when the season is changing?
What if I’m not ready to change?
How do I make the decision to begin?
What if it gets worse before it gets better?
What do I do while I’m stuck in this hallway?
What’s the best way to walk into the next season?
What if the new season is nothing like I expected?
What is God asking of me?

If you feel like things may be changing in a relationship, job, church, or life event, this book may help you find some clarity and understand how to know, grow and go when it's time. As the story unfolds you will discover some of the things I had to do, the emotions that I experienced and ultimately, where that grand God-sized vision was that I was being sent to. I really believe that you will enjoy taking the journey with me. Below is a link to my author page where you can find all of my books but especially this new one, CH8NGE?. It's less than $5 so I encourage you to purchase several of them and use them for a small group study or maybe hand them out to help others ask these questions and find the way to where God is sending them. I am grateful for your prayers and support and hope that all of you find that sweet spot of God's success and your own personal grand God-sized vision. #cupofjoe #CH8NGE? 

Feel free to share this post with someone that you know is going through some kind of "change" in their life. Order your own personal copy of the new book, CH8NGE? today! 

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