Let it Pour
Could you take a few moments today to let the incredible truth of this scripture to sink in? Every spiritual blessing has already been lavished upon you! EVERY blessing poured out all over you as a love gift. Now that should make you shout a bit!
This week I have been reminded how much God loves me and how much He wants to bless my life. I also realize that those blessings are tied to His people. In other words, He calls me to serve Him and connects me to His people. When I run with His crowd I see His power and glory show up in every area of my life. Every spiritual blessing...every part of my life...every day of my life.
Let this soak in today and then move out into the world to connect with the people that God has placed there. Move in His power. It's the same power that raised Jesus from the dead and right now, it is moving through you! Praying for you!