Thunder in the Desert

John 1:19-20When Jews from Jerusalem sent a group of priests and officials to ask John who he was, he was completely honest. He didn't evade the question. He told the plain truth: "I am not the Messiah."21They pressed him, "Who, then? Elijah?" "I am not." "The Prophet?" "No."22Exasperated, they said, "Who, then? We need an answer for those who sent us. Tell us something—anything!—about yourself."23"I'm thunder in the desert: 'Make the road straight for God!'
John the Baptist was an influencer. He made a way for others to find their way to the Messiah. He was unconventional and perhaps a bit eccentric. And in the Message Bible translation he describes himself as “thunder in the desert”. Thunder is loud, powerful and rocks the area in which it rumbles. In other words, it makes an impact and a sound that is unmistakable. John may not have been the most eloquent or best dressed, but he knew that he would make a noise that would change the world.
I would be very happy today to be referred to as  “thunder in the desert”; to make a way for others to know Christ and make Him Lord of their lives. Tell me something today about you. How would you describe yourself?

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