God's Glory
I've been enjoying some nice weather in Florida this week. I decided to trek to PCB-Panama City Beach which was hit violently by a hurricane not too long ago. It didn't take long for them to get things up and running but there are definite signs of the magnitude of that storm in the debris and the visible rebuilding efforts. Trucks and workers are here from all over the country. In fact, I met two of those workers last night from Palestine, Texas who were returning home today.
As I walked through many of the neighborhoods, I just began to thank the Lord for His goodness and mercy as I prayed for these families and their properties. In the place I am staying, you could see the destruction walking out of the front of the building but when you walked out to the back where the beach was, it was still a pristine paradise. What you see and feel determines on which was you go. Yes, that was my spiritual lesson for today! Did you get it?
This image was shot right across the street from downed lighting poles and huge trees. You never would have guessed that this side was also in the storm.
Take a good look around today and give glory to God for ALL that He created. Sometimes life can be hard and storms can come. We can be surprised by the destruction. But we are also surrounded by God's beautiful glory. What you see will be determined by which way you walk.