Praise is Beautiful

Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous ones; praise from the upright is beautiful. PS 33:1
Some of the most memorable moments I have enjoyed are seeing my children in productions where they act, sing or play an instrument. Whether it was an elementary school function or a church worship service, the feeling was always the same...a proud father with a huge smile on his face loving what he was seeing on the faces of his children.
This scripture out of the psalms tells us something that we must never forget...praise looks good on you! There is nothing more beautiful than watching a room filled with true worshippers.
I can imagine my heavenly Father watching from heaven and seeing my face and hearing my voice as I exalt His name and sing His praises. I believe that just as I felt proud and grinned from ear to ear watching my children praise, so too He smiles and loves the way that the praise looks on me!
The Bible tells us that when we are overwhelmed, when we are under heavy stress and anxiety, we should put on the garment of praise. As God sees and hears your words of adoration, He will remove the burdens and embrace you with His love. So grab your garment of praise and let your voices ring out...praise looks good on you!

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