The First Step to Recovery
Have you ever had one of those seasons in life when nothing turns out the way you thought it would? You've prayed, you've confessed every good thing and maintained positive thoughts and still...nothing! What do you do when you feel surrounded by discouragement in every way?
I go back to read this story of David in 1 Samuel. He came back from doing what God gifted him to do only to find his home burned down and his family kidnapped. Can you imagine that? Expecting a home cooked meal and some great companionship only to find ashes and devastation. And what did David do? What was the first step to recovery?
He encouraged himself in the Lord. Think about that for a moment. You cannot always depend on other people. The boss may not have a positive word for you. Your family may not know how to approach you in the state you are in. We need to know how to pick ourselves up and get back on our feet! David gained some hope by talking to God about all that was happening. He knew that God had created him with a purpose and though this seemed like a nightmare part of the story, he trusted that the Lord could help him get it together again. And then once he had prayed, he put some movement behind his prayers.
Life does not always hand us the expected result. We can all go through a season of dryness where the rain of blessing seems too cease. I don't always know what God is up to in my life but I know that He has EVERYthing in control. So I encourage myself with that! And I want to encourage you! Pick yourself up and start talking to the Lord again. Pray. Then go after your dream with relentless pursuit! David did, and you know how it ended up? Read the story: David recovered ALL!
#firststeptorecovery #encourageyourself
#firststeptorecovery #encourageyourself