Strong, Stable and Resilient
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
This verse has some great meaning to us as we get ready for Palm Sunday. One of the most notable characteristics of the palm tree is that they have the ability to bend and not break. In fact there are many instances where hurricane type winds have nearly touched the top of the tree to the ground yet it refuses to break.
The words of Isaiah speak to the resiliency of the believer today. Rivers of opposition may come. Floods of difficulty may rise. The heat could get very intense. But never ever forget: the Lord is with you and that means you will never get swept away and you will not be burned.
You were made like the mighty palm. This weekend as you think about those branches during your churches Palm Sunday service, let them remind you of your inner strength and overcoming power. Go ahead and can rest assured that when the Lord is with near you will not break.
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Matt 21:9