Angels Watching Over Me

Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Hebrews 13:1, 2
Maybe you have never thought about the fact that your actions and words could have been done in the presence of divine helpers that God has surrounded you with. Imagine that the person who just happened to come across your path had had been sent by God as an angel into your world to see how you would respond. It sounds crazy doesn't it? Yet, angels are all around us...watching over us.
We never really know whether we have been in the presence of angels but many people, myself included, can attest that they have “felt” angelic moments. Our goal should be to let brotherly love continue and watch out for each other. Do good, live life as if God’s special messengers were right there witnessing your every move. My prayer today is that you would feel His presence in supernatural ways today and that the angels of the Lord would encamp all around you. And may the Lord bless all of those "angels" that are helping those in South Texas deal with these horrific circumstances. Our prayers are with you.

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