May YOUR Cup Runneth Over!

"May your cup runneth over!" I write this phrase inside the Cup of Joe book I wrote every time I sign one for someone. My mom even sent me this for my wall in the kitchen where I get my cup of joe every day! You find this thought inside the text of Psalm 23..."you anoint my head with oil, my cup runneth over." Our "cup", or our "portion" is the place and position that God has designed us for. Success comes from realizing where to place that cup, where to fill it up and where and when to pour it out.
Many of my personal experiences with my "cup" have happened right in the midst of great trial and challenge. I fully understand what it means to have God fill you up, feed you and sustain you in the presence of people and things that want to hurt you. But before you can be a part of an overflowing cup experience, you must put yourself in an emotional and mental place where His power and presence can come upon you; where you and receive the supernatural "oil" that He desires to pour out. Oil is representative of His Spirit...the empowerment to do things that others think are impossible. And even if you are in the middle of one of the most trying times of your life, His Spirit can come on you and cause you to move friction-free through the difficult season. And that is when the "cup", your mission and purpose, can overflow: not so the excess is lost but so that it flows out to touch more and more people.
So my prayer today for you is what I write to all of my friends and partners...may YOUR CUP runneth over! 

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