Sacrificial Giving
In Mark 12:41-42, Jesus sat down opposite the treasury where people came to bring their offerings, and He watched as they came and went. Many rich people threw in large sums of money, but a poor widow came and put in two small coins worth only a fraction of a cent.
I remember reading this scripture and thinking how intimidating it would feel to have Jesus standing across the room and watching me write a check to the church or fill up my offering envelope. I thought about whether his face would be stern or whether he would be smiling and giving me a great big thumbs up! Seriously?
Then it sank in. He knows everything about me! He knows what I give to the things He connects me to and more importantly, He knows what I keep! In fact He is watching me all the time.
Jesus said the woman that put in two small coins was more obedient than all the others. Were these special coins...maybe rare ones? No! They represented the sacrificial giving that she was doing. He saw her heart and the attitude in which she gave. And that giving would change her life. Perhaps its more about how we give than how much.
Don't miss your opportunity to blow the conduit of blessing wide open this year by staying consistent in giving to others and allowing yourself to give sacrificially as well when you give to the Lord. You can't even imagine the amazing things that could open up as you do. Giving will change your life too!
May we never tire of doing what is good and right before our Lord because in His season we shall bring in a great harvest if we can just persist. Galatians 6:9
May your cup always be filled to overflowing!