Are You Afraid to be Alone?
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. (Luke 5:16 NIV)
Life can get busy and we can easily become overwhelmed. Unfortunately in my life I let this happen all too often. For some reason I seem to think that I can fix anything and that I must always be available. Are any of you guilty of that too?
I realize that life does not revolve around me and that I certainly can't do everything. As I get older I just want to be more like Christ and learn the lessons He showed us through His Word. There was always a demand on His time. There were always people that needed Him. And He had the ability to help every one of them! But He didn't. There were times that Jesus withdrew to lonely places while people needed Him. Times when even He needed to refresh and recharge.
What keeps us from wanting to withdraw at all? Maybe we have a fear of being alone. Perhaps that fear causes us to attach to people that we shouldn't and become participants in things that wear us out because we simply do not want to be by ourselves.
Today I say, fear not! Jesus told us we would never be alone. He is always there to help, to heal and to bring hope to our situation. In His lonely places He was never really alone for it was there that He talked to His Father and focused on what really mattered again. In fact, the strength you need right now for that life you are living may not fully come until you discover your lonely place.
As you get ready for the weekend, ask yourself if it might be time for you to get alone, talk to your heavenly Father and rediscover what what really matters to Him once again. I can assure you that what matters to Him, will indeed matter to YOU!