Away With the Manger
A controversy in Boston developed several years over what
to call their city’s 48 ft spruce tree in their December ceremony. The city’s
website called it a “holiday tree” instead of a Christmas tree and it set off
an angry backlash. The righteous indignation became the voice of the people and
the city officials relented. Bostons longest serving Mayor Thomas Menino told
the reporters that he would keep calling it a Christmas Tree. He explained, “I
grew up with a Christmas Tree: I’m going to stay with a Christmas Tree.”
So why all the fuss? Why MUST we say Happy Holidays? Where
is Jesus in all of this? Why do they want to do away with the manger? The story/account of the birth of Christ is
what the fuss is all about. The attack is not on the holiday or the
merriment…it’s against the love of God that came down to earth as a little
child with purpose. It’s about that “agape love” John 3:16
"For God so
loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life.
Let me
offer some suggestions as to why so many folks are trying to refocus our eyes
and diminish our joy. Why are they singing away
with the manger?
#1 because the birth of Jesus Christ fulfills prophecy…In
Isaiah 9:6 the bible says that a son would be born, a child would be given and
His name would be called wonderful, counselor, mighty God, everlasting father,
prince of peace. Luke 2 gives us the account fulfilling what was foretold in
Isaiah. You see, if we do away with this birth, this fulfilling of prophecy,
then we can eliminate all that the bible says will come to pass…we can negate
the impending judgment that will come upon all of us. If we can erase his
birth, we can keep from exposing our sin.
#2 because the birth of Christ is miraculous.
He was
born of a virgin. That’s a miracle. In that manger scene is where God and man
collide in supernatural power. Wherever there are miracles, there will be
controversy but there will also be healing. There will be an exchange of
power…healing is an exchange of sickness for wholeness. This gift of God sent
to earth would collide with man on many occasions…and every time there was a
meeting of sin and grace, grace did much more abound! Why are they singing away with the manger?
#3 because the manger is the
environment/atmosphere for salvation. Where the manger is, the focus is on
Christ. You see God had a plan-motivated by great love-to send his only
begotten son to pay his life as a ransom for our sin-that through death we
might find eternal life.
When we
look upon the manger scene, we see representations of life…wise men with gifts,
shepherds, parents, a child, animals and nature. It’s the perfect backdrop to
the creation of complete salvation…everyone is touched…but, not everyone
responds. The beautiful thing is that the environment of salvation is
re-created still today each time a bible-toting, spirit-filled church exalts
the name of this child that came wrapped up in strips of linen…humble to say
the least.
Each week
our spiritual hard-drive is hit with many hackers and a plethora of
distractions(spam). The manger is where the world “spiritually reboots’ and
life is set right again. Our eyes are not on the stars but rather on the One
who created them. Why are they singing away with the manger?
#4 because there is power in the name…at
the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He
is Lord. The nativity scene that we enjoy throughout the holiday is simply a
visible reminder that there was a night when our Savior was born. A child was
sent by God…a life given so that new life might come. The wood of that manger
would one day give way to the wood of the cross…a cross that would hold his
life and our sin to it…and his blood would flow so that we might forgive and be
washed clean forevermore. The blood has never lost its power. It’s because of
what happened in that manger scene that I am able to know today that if I
should die right now, I will go to be with My Lord, living in eternity with
So, pardon me if I get offended when they tell us that the Ten Commandments are not important. Pardon me if I become righteously indignant when you leave Christ out of our seasonal celebrations.
You may celebrate a winter solstice…not me…I celebrate the day I saw God’s love
for me come down from heaven and live in my heart. Away IN a manger a son was born...a king was us! Let's celebrate that! It's Christmas!