Starting Over
"But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over."
The potter was not happy with the way things were shaping up so he crushed the clay and started over. We are the clay. When we allow ourselves to be made by the One that made us, we can begin again. Just because you are down and out doesn't mean that you are completely out. You may feel "crushed" right now, but its not over. The marines say that "pain is weakness leaving the body". I have to say, I never knew that much weakness was in me because I've experienced some pain! Let's embrace God's strength and press through the challenge.We will become the beautiful vessel that He intended when we trust God in the process. And remember this... once the clay was fashioned into the right shape, it was then put into the fire. Fire purifies and stabilizes the clay so that it can stay together and not crack. It's not done until He says it is done:)
Hold tightly to God today and you will come through those seasons of difficulty.