I Don't Know Where I Am Going!

Welcome OCTOBER!!! Can you believe that we are officially in the fall season...you call it autumn if your from Ohio:) I have been reflecting back to a year ago and what was going on in my life. On this day last year, I left the town where I had lived for 25 years,(half of my life) to head for a new adventure...whatever God wanted ...a bit nervous but really excited! Kind of like this scripture in Hebrews 11:8...
By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
After all of the sad goodbyes and tears, I drove to South Carolina to see my sister and parents. What I found was the historic flood of 2015...one like they had not seen in years! After the waters subsided and the visits ended I headed south to Ft Lauderdale. About I month later I had landed in the place God had been setting up for me...(or maybe I was finally ready); the place with a grand God-sized vision...in Dallas Texas! I would live 10 minutes from the place where Carman Ministries had done the largest concert ever by a solo artist...the legendary Texas Stadium. It was the very stage where I knew it was time for a new season...a season that would lead me to start The Landing Community Church in Tulsa.
So many emotions are churning in my soul. So much gratefulness to the Lord for bringing me to Gateway Church to learn and to grow. And so thankful that God is not finished with me yet!
Maybe you are leaving one season and trusting God for the next without even knowing what the destination will be. Abraham did it. Many heroes of faith did it. I did it. You can do it too! It may feel strange at times and you might have to keep reminding yourself that God has everything in control...but I can assure you that it will come to fruition at just the right time. Either God is working on you or He is preparing the place you will land...or both!
You will receive your inheritance. God is getting it ready for you. I'm praying for you today:) Just trust and obey...there is no other way!

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