Thrill to God's Word

Instead you thrill to God's Word,  you chew on Scripture day and night. Psalm 1:2

This is how we begin the wonderful collection of psalms that David penned. The person who is able to thrill to what God says and chew on it day and night is the one who does not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with those who put down others.
One of my favorite things to do used to be riding every roller-coaster I came across. From Cedar Point and Kings Island in Ohio to Disneyworld in Orlando and Six Flags over Texas, my life was one thrill after the next. So I get what a thrill should feel like. 
But I must admit that I often have to make a concerted effort to thrill on the things the Lord says because sometimes what He requires is exactly opposite of what I want. Fortunately I always arrive at the place, after much chewing, where I realize that He is looking out for me and that even the tough stuff helps to make me a stronger and more devoted follower.
So strap yourself in today and get ready for your own personal thrill ride as you do the things that God is asking of you. Then settle down and chew on it for a bit and see if you don't just always end up agreeing that in just about everything, God knows best!

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