
The LORD watches over you the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going PS 121:5-8 

The weather is a bit brutal these days. Thunderstorms, tornadoes and these past few weeks its been the heat. Heat indexes over 105!  I noticed that in Arizona it was 120!! When the heat gets turned up by Mother Nature, it's refreshing to read this Psalm about the Lord being "our shade". Sometimes life can be uncomfortable. It's easy to get overheated. We need the Lord to watch over us. When things get "heated" it will not harm us. Why? Because the Lord is always looking out for our best interest. He will watch over our going out and our coming back home. He soothes the heat wave!
It's difficult to be outside when the heat index is this high. On the route that I take when I walk there are several spots that are covered by huge trees. As I walk through these areas of shade, the temperature is dramatically different. I think that the Lord wants us to know that He will strategically place areas of refreshing for you as you walk with Him. You may sweat sometimes but you will find shade soon. The Lord is looking out for you! 
Today, let the Lord be your shade and cool you down when tempers fire up. Don't get overheated. Let the rising heat index raise your praise index and thank the Lord for the journey. Realize that nothing can harm you because He is looking out for you...both now and forevermore!

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