3 Ways I Put Pep Back in My Step

Whenever I feel discouraged or depressed I have a few ways to pull myself out of the doldrums; 3 things I do to put the PEP back in my step.
1- pray. There is no better way to alleviate pressure and stress than to give it to someone else. I give mine to the Lord.
2- engage. The worst part of being discouraged is feeling alone or isolated. So I go to a place that has lots of people like a coffee shop or a store. Walking around and being in a space with other people is very therapeutic.
3- pandora. I love the Pandora music app. I have a praise and worship station that will shake off all of the anxiety and help calm the chaos.
          Pray, Engage, Pandora=PEP:)
Without music my life would b flat. Without people my life would be dull.

And without Jesus, my life would be nothing at all.

                How do you get out of a rut? 

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