Wonderfully Complex

Psalm 139:14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. 
Did you know just how special you are? You are wonderfully made, hand-crafted by God, designed for an amazing life filled with blessings. With so much potential in us, why are we so overwhelmed and defeated at times?
Its obvious that the times we live in are getting harder. Our society changes through the years and though there are many good things around us, evil multiplies too. We need to consistently examine what we are doing and why we are doing it.
I love the way that Psalm 139 ends as a prayer asking God to search inside and point out to us where we need to improve. It seems to me that I am always trying to close a gap in my life so that I can keep the enemy at bay. The Good News is that I still can! Why? Because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...wonderfully complex! I'm marvelous! You are too! 
Ask God to search your heart and show you things that can be modified in your life so that you can be all that you were designed to be. 

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