Pray Already!
I am glad that there is a national emphasis on prayer today. I truly believe that what God says is true and no matter how bad this nation becomes or how many mistakes we make, if we humble ourselves, seek His face and turn from our own unrighteousness agenda, God is going to do some great things. He will hear from heaven. That means your prayers will not fall on deaf will be heard! His plans for us will be dispatched...put into motion, so that He can assist us in carrying them out. He will forgive our sins...can I get an amen to that! All of us could use a little forgiveness. And lastly, He will heal our land.
All that we are required to do is relinquish our control and let God do what He had planned for us. Many folks are gathering in special places to pray at specific times today. If you have a place, show your support. If you cant get to a place, make time in your car, at lunch or during a break and ask God to have His way with this land we call the United States of America...the land of the free and the home of the brave. This land is your land, this land is my land...ok you get the pray already!
(2 Chronicles 7:14)
All that we are required to do is relinquish our control and let God do what He had planned for us. Many folks are gathering in special places to pray at specific times today. If you have a place, show your support. If you cant get to a place, make time in your car, at lunch or during a break and ask God to have His way with this land we call the United States of America...the land of the free and the home of the brave. This land is your land, this land is my land...ok you get the pray already!
(2 Chronicles 7:14)