Where's the Man?

I'm attending a Men's Summit at my church this week. Being in a space with a few thousand men is not what I would call my comfort zone😄
As I walked around the facilities as it was getting started I was moved in my heart and so grateful to be in a place that cares about people so much. Watching people is fun for me and when you see dads and their boys, grandpas like me and young men that will soon be fathers, you can't help but be encouraged by the potential of a group of guys that will stand up for Jesus at home, at school and in the office. As Wilfredo de Jesus said last night, when the man stands up, the boy sits down. We need to boldly stand in faith and proclaim the works of the Lord. We need to train up our children. It's easier to train up a child than to repair an adult. 
Where's the man that will stand in the gap? was our question last evening. Right here! was the resounding response of thousands of men at #MensSummit16
Thank you Gateway Church for this amazing  opportunity to be inspired and filled to be, give and go in the power of the Holy Spirit! 

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