His Strength is Perfect

In Matt 13 Jesus tells the story of a field where seed was planted. There were also weeds that were planted by an enemy. The story says that when the SEEDS began to grow, the WEEDS did too. There was no distinction in the two until there was growth. Oftentimes we do not recognize the evil that is present in us simply because we are no longer growing. As we grow in Christ, what does not belong in our lives becomes much more obvious. And the time will come when the Lord will be the strength that is necessary to separate the two and allow an amazing harvest of good to bountifully rise up in our lives.
I think that too often we think we have the power necessary on our own to get rid of the weeds. I encourage you today to set aside your own agenda, submit the power you believe you have to God, and watch His supernatural power take over. His ways are better than ours. His strength is so much stronger than ours! Bad habits, poor choices and harmful relationships can all be extracted by the power of the Holy Spirit and the good seed of God’s Word can grow in you to guide your heart and direct your life.

I’m looking forward to rejoicing in YOUR harvest!

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