Forgetting what is behind...

It’s hard to believe that by this time next week we will be finished with 2015. I’d like to say that this year just flew by but in light of everything that went on around me, this year had no flying in it! It did have lots of driving though! Living in Texas has taken a bit of adjustment. Adjusting to life in an apartment has had its ups and downs. I really was spoiled all those years by being able to drive into a garage and unload my groceries into the kitchen! Now, without a garage and parking close to my car it takes a little planning and ingenuity…well it really just takes several trips!

Another adjustment has been dealing with being in a city where there is no family. Last time that happened, big hair bands were all the rage. Grapevine has called itself the Christmas capital of Texas and it was very special this year. Main Street was always hopping with people and if you had the patience to wait in line, you could get an amazing breakfast or lunch at the popular bakery and bistro. What was missing was the snow. It was in the 70’s this year and somehow its just not really Christmas until you see those snowflakes and feel that cold winter air. I told Santa about it for next year so he can get to work on that!

With all of the ups and downs and the plethora of emotions that were part of 2015, I am forever grateful to so many dear friends and family that continued to reach out to me through the year. The conversations, the cards of encouragement and support came at just the right time, every time. And to see how God has had His hand on me all the way, bringing me into this season at Gateway Church, well I have a hard time wrapping words around all that it means to me. It truly was divine intervention.

Scripture says, “forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead” and as we finish this year that is not bad counsel. But for me it will be hard to forget 2015 and all that happened. It will be impossible to forget the family moments that I never thought could occur because we all live in different places. And I could never forget the life lessons that the Lord taught and continues to teach me and I practice obedience and allow myself to trust Him. So 2015, thanks for the memories, the challenges, the bends in the road and those frustrating detours. All of it has brought me right here, in the center of God’s perfect will and His plan for me and the future. 

Praise be to God who always and in all ways causes us to triumph!

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