Happy Thanksgiving!
Just wanted to wish all of you a blessed day today as you enjoy Thanksgiving with those that are closest to you. I am praying a special today for single parent families, those that are working and those that are by themselves and asking God to make His imprint upon their hearts today and bless them in a supernatural way.
I am so grateful to be able to encourage people everyday with the Word of God and some tidbits of inspiration to try and make them smile. I am also thankful that today I get to sit with all three of my children in Oklahoma and thank the Lord together for all that He has done and is doing in our lives. We have endured many hardships and they have struggled in so many ways. But through it all we have learned to trust in Jesus and know that each and every thing that happens is developing something in us that moves us closer to Him and His purposes. I am also so thankful for the new job that I will start on Monday and how the Lord orchestrated every step of the way. Thank you Lord for all of this and especially these moments and memories that are being created right now.
May your cup be filled to overflowing as you consider all the things that you have to be thankful for. I bless you in the name of the Lord and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!