Who Are You Placing Your Hope In?

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19 NIV

I'm holding out a lot of "hope" these days. The Bible tells us that hope is an anchor...it settles us into the thing or the person we are hoping in. That is why it is so important that we place our hope in something that works. Someone once gave me an acronym for hope that said it was
Having Only Positive Expectations
I like that! I want to stay positive even when things are not going my way. Seems that I always want them to happen on my terms or in my timetable. I've learned these days that the Lord knows quite a bit more than I do. He knows the things I should do and the people I should connect with. And He knows the best time for all of it to happen!!
So who are you placing your hope in today? People may let you down. Things may get in the way. But when you trust in the Lord and hold out hope in Christ, you are setting yourself up for something truly special. So take a deep breath and relax. Hope in God. It's going to happen!

Here's a link to an espresso shot of this thought (VIDEO) Go ahead and share some encouragement with your social networks! Blessings:)

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