Time for a Game Changer

This past weekend I was inspired. Something that I thought had diminished or even faded inside of me was ignited and lit up. It was simple really, I was in an environment that was filled with love. It was completely saturated with love for God and a love for each other. I could see it on faces. I could hear it in songs. It was a Sunday church service! And when the preacher spoke you could feel love in the Word. When that kind of love grabs ahold of you, it becomes a game changer.
I started to think about how many times we may miss what the Lord has for us because we let love fade and burn away. We lose our faith. We become overwhelmed by our troubles. We abandon dreams and stop seeking the One we were created to worship.
Let me encourage you today to find yourself a personal place of faith. A place where God’s Word is spoken so that your faith can be enlarged. We need to be rooted and grounded in His love. Jesus loved us as much as He ever could when He gave His life for our sins on that cross. He can’t love us any more than that! So we can stop trying to earn His favor and work our way into His good graces. We are already bought with the price of His life!

So let faith arise and trust in the Lord today with ALL your heart. Lean into the things He whispers into your spirit. Let His love change your game today!

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