Three Things I Learned from a Box of Crayons
easy to see the hand of God in many things if you are looking for it. The other
day I came across a container that was filled with crayons…lots of crayons.
What could God possibly say through a box of crayons? I’m so glad you asked!
Let me give you three things:
crayons still color
probably heard this saying before. A broken crayon does not lose its purpose…it
can still color. In fact it doesn't matter what part of it you break…it
still works. You may need to strip back a layer of its skin but it will work. People are the same. You never lose your value and no matter how
much life tries to break you, you still have value. You were made to color!
is beautiful
many colors and shapes makes for a beautiful picture of the diversity of the
human race and how we all look the best when we come together to bring color to
the world.
crayons can color from both ends
often we think that we are too young or too old to be useful. Young people
think they need more experience before they chase their dream. And seniors feel
like that ship has sailed and its too late. The beauty is that whether you are
at one end of the age chart or the other, YOU are still well able to bring your
unique color to the world.
there you have it…God speaking through a box of crayons. WE are those crayons,
colorful, all different and all brilliant when we are put together and allowing
ourselves to be used by Him. There are no excuses…you can still color! I wonder
what you are going to create now!