Liquid Ministry

One of the things that I have always loved about ministry is that it is fluid…like a liquid…it’s ever-changing and always moving. At least it should be. I love being around people that are constantly sharing ideas and innovating new and better ways to do their jobs. I like it when things are changing because it means they are alive! The Bible tells us that the Word is living and active. A living thing will move. A living thing is designed to grow and mature.
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. HEB 4:12

The other day I dropped a cup of water in the kitchen and when it hit the floor, it went everywhere! It was free from the cup and it could roll anywhere it wanted. And roll it did…all over the kitchen floor! It didn't seem like much in that cup but when it hit the ground running, it went everywhere! Like water that has escaped its container, ministry can reach out and hit places that may seem remote if WE would just release it. YOU and I are the containers. When we are broken and humble before the Lord He allows what is in us to be used. It becomes living AND active. We hit the ground running and soon we are having an impact for Him everywhere. That's liquid ministry!

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