Finishing the Work
But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God. (Acts 20:24 NLT). Life is filled with change. It seems like we are in the midst of some sort of transition everyday. I remember going through a divorce ten years ago and the mental and emotional instability that came with it. To be honest with you I felt like the spiritual things I was doing were bringing all of this pain and dysfunction. I'd question faith, shy away from people and my ability to trust anyone was greatly diminished.
I can't tell you what day it was or exactly what I was doing but the feelings encapsulated in this verse became my personal mantra as well. There was a plan for me. There was something I was put on the planet to do and God would surround me with the people and things that would be necessary to accomplish His plan. My life would need to be used to finish this work He had called me to do.
Maybe you are in that downward spiral like I was. I needed a wake up call and a spiritual fire re-lit. Today, let me encourage you to trust the grace(unmerited favor) of God to lead you when you can't seem to find your way. The will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you. It isn't called "amazing grace" for nothing! He will give you words that inspire and fan into flame the gifts that He has placed in you. From the ashes you too will rise and find the way to finish the work He assigned you to do. And then you will long to tell others about how you moved through one season of pain into a new season of purpose.