Be Strong
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.” EPH 6:10 NKJ
Read this closely. It seems to suggest to me that it may be possible for us to be strong IN THE LORD but completely miss the POWER that is available.
Perhaps that is why we have so many organizations today and gatherings where people are IN THE LORD but few of them seem to have evidence of their being any life-changing/transforming power. We must be careful where we sit; even more so where we soak!
So many folks are standing on the promises but not able to activate the strength and the power necessary to endure this season and press through to the next. We've got to find some enduring POWER. Where does that come from? How are we to be strong in the Lord AND in the power of his might? You put on the FULL ARMOR of God! Read that today and make sure that you put on ALL the pieces!