How to Have a "Mary" Christmas

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Do you know how to have a “Mary” Christmas? Imagine hearing news that was simply unbelievable and physically impossible. We are put in positions every day where our limits are challenged and we are pushed beyond boundaries that we have set. To have a “Mary” Christmas requires first of all the acceptance of this statement: nothing is impossible with God.
Our potential is tied to our source and that is not our job or the opinions of others-it should be the Lord’s Word and His plan for our lives. There’s no limit to what the Lord can accomplish through a willing heart that follows Him.
Once you adopt that statement and stand in faith upon it, to have a “Mary” Christmas will take a couple other things. The first is to “treasure up” the things that you feel God speaking to you or leading you into. You start accumulating a list of all of the things you have to be grateful for…like the song says: count your blessings. And once you have compiled the list of blessings, once your treasure chest is full, you ponder them in your heart. You choose to meditate on the good and you stop focusing on the bad.

Our country seems to be going through a meltdown right now because we have forgotten to treasure up the good and keep that in our heart. We are pondering the wrong thoughts and they are leading us in the wrong direction. Some people have lost hope. They've lost respect for others. Can this change?Remember the first point of todays cup and hang in there. God knows what is needed. God is bigger than the problem. You can have a “Mary” Christmas. Nothing is impossible with God!

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