Unwrap It
This week I was part of a little conference in LA where all
kinds of creatives gathered to discuss making and promoting movies. Being an
Oklahoma resident stepping into Hollywood sometimes can feel a bit
overwhelming, especially when you see so many people doing things that you are
in the process of doing. I felt that way when I started The Landing. Why should
we place another church in a city like Tulsa where there are churches
everywhere and new ones starting weekly? What I learned about the church I am
also learning in other areas as the Lord 'validates" the tools he has
placed in me. I was with several other folks on this trip and all of us felt
validated in a huge way.
When you "validate" someone or something
you "recognize, establish, or illustrate the worthiness or legitimacy of
Let me encourage you today...you are smarter than you think
you are and God is able to amaze you when you actually step out in faith and
trust Him. If you wait for people to validate you then you may never start
doing what you have been set up to do by God from the start. He has already
recognized you and counted you worthy...so worthy that He gave up His only
sons life to save yours! You matter. You have an amazing gift that must be
unwrapped this holiday season.
Each week as I teach and preach the Gospel I get to see the
gift of God given away to serve others. What are you doing with your abilities?
How about your time? Your money? Use all of it for His purposes and this could
just be the best holiday season you have ever had! Isn't it time you unwrapped
what He gave you?