Is Jesus a Myth?

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes...
In the last few months I have seen and heard more stories about folks that claim to be atheists. There are even billboards promoting Jesus as a myth. I've always wondered why anyone would have to work so hard to reduce or diminish a God they don't even believe exists! In my personal (yet humble) opinion, I believe that these folks are simply believers in progress. At some point in our lives we all are faced with that reality. 
God created us for connection with others. He also wants a personal connection with each of us. We ARE His creation. The Bible tells us about His life and the life that we are destined to live. 
Today I can say that I am not ashamed of those words written about me. It's those words that led me to make Him my Savior. It's even brought that decision about to all of those that I have the privilege of introducing Him to. 
Maybe you are still in limbo when it comes to making a personal decision to ask Jesus Christ to take charge of your life. Don't wait any longer. This is the most amazing time of year to receive not a baby in a manger but rather a Savior who is Christ The Lord. Why don't you do that now and let Jesus show you the life He imagines for you. besides, its so much easier to say Merry CHRISTmas than Merry Mythmas:)

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