I'm So Thankful!

Yesterday at our church we were thankful...not for the horrible year we have had, or for the financial trouble we are in or even for the illnesses that plague so many we know. We were thankful IN the middle of all of this. Rejoice, pray and be thankful IN everything...its the will of God for our lives and the recipe for a perfect Thanksgiving! 
As I listened to a wife that lost her husband two weeks ago and a mother who stands against cancer as it attacks her daughter, and preach in a church that will not make it to the end of the year financially without a miracle, I am so grateful that God is BIGGER than anything that comes against me and the rest of the followers of Christ I serve with. I am thankful because I came home to a lovely house, a warm meal and am surrounded by people that love me and pray for me all the time. I am thankful for breath in my lungs and diving health in my body. I'm thankful for my children and how God has blessed them in so many ways. I'm thankful for my mom and dad and brother and sister. And above all else, I'm thankful for Jesus, who died for my sins and gave up everything so that I could live for an eternity with Him.
What are you saying "thank you" for or in this week? Are you going through a rough patch? Don't let the challenges rob you of joyful thanks that can carry you through anything!

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