Don't Act Like a Hangdog!

Yesterday as part of our Summer in the Psalms series we talked about the guidance of God out of Psalm 25. The progressive pattern of guidance comes as he shows us the way, teaches us the path and leads us in the way of truth. As I read that psalm in some other translations I came across the MSG version which says in the beginning...
"My head is high, God, held high; I'm looking to you, God
No hangdog skulking for me." Psalm 25:1 MSG
I like holding my head up high, looking to God what in the world is a hangdog skulker? From what I have learned a hangdog skulker is someone who is crafty or shifty, feeling guilty and tries to lurk in the shadows and out of sight. The person that is being led by God has no room for hangdog skulking:)

We are to face each day with joy and peace, fixing our eyes on Jesus and lifting our heads up high in the confidence that comes from knowing Christ as Savior. So, keep your head up, look up and praise God right now! He will show you the way. He will teach you the path. And by His spirit, He will lead you into all truth!

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