Rolling Stones Philosophy?
James 1:3 For you know
that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4
So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be
perfect and complete, needing nothing.
OK, so today I have a goal. That
goal is to become a bit more enduring. Like this scripture says, I want my
endurance to have a chance to grow. Why? Because only when it has developed will
I be satisfied.
Too many people have adopted a
Rolling Stones philosophy and accepted the lie that they just "can't
get no satisfaction". Today, I want to encourage you to hang on and
hang in there because when the time is right, when your endurance has fully
developed, YOU are going to be perfect, complete and you won't have a need that
cannot be met!
So are you going to hang with the
Stones, or come to the Rock of Ages? The choice is yours!