Heaven is For Real

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Rev 21:4

This is one of my favorite promises about heaven in the Book of Revelation. It came alive again this week as I went to see the movie, Heaven is for Real. What is heaven really like? Is heaven real? John was given this amazing vision of heaven by God to ignite hope in each one of those people that follow Jesus and know Him as their Lord and Savior. I love this particular promise because it comforts on every level. It describes a place of perfect peace.

It's hard to imagine that there could ever be a place, even a season where pain, crying and death would be gone! Still, this is my hope. And it's what Jesus went ahead to prepare for you and me. Heaven is for real! But make no mistake, so is hell. Read on in chapter 21 and you can get a description of hell too. It's your decision about where you want to land for eternity. How could anyone choose anything but heaven?


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