Carry Out the Trash
For many people spring is the time of year we move outdoors and become active once more. In addition to an increase in "physical" activity, many people go through an annual ritual of "spring cleaning". It's time to move the winter clothes to the back of the closet and find the shorts again. It's time to pray and hope that the spring shorts will still fasten around our winterized waists!
In the Bible there was a boy named Hezekiah who became king at age 25.(2 Chronicles 29) He was determined to make a positive difference in the world and use his authority and power for good. His dad had closed the church, broken the sacred objects of the church and done many things which angered the Lord. The good news is that sin does not have to be hereditary! Hezekiah made a decision to repair the house of God and restore order. And the Lord was fact he was called one of the 3 most perfect Kings of Judah. His first order of business: get the trash out of the church!
Why do we seem to have a hard time getting rid of the stuff? Imagine today that the Lord wants to bless you and the only thing standing in the way is all the clutter that you have acquired over the years. Much of it is there because of your choices and other things have been placed there by people who are in your life. Either way you carry on some things from place to place that you should have let go of long ago. Some of you probably have pants that you will never, ever wear again(without liposuction), boxed up and stored in your garage! When we get rid of the clutter we make room for something new. Spiritually speaking, when we can get rid of bitterness, anger, envy and doubt, we set ourselves up for some great new things from the Lord. Things like peace, joy, hope, love, self-control and kindness.
Are you ready to spring into some new things? Then start carrying out the trash!