My Solitary Place

Waking up with yet another dusting of snow on the ground...I used to really enjoy the blanket of white. But this year in Tulsa has been a bit more than usual. At least it feels that way because of the long chain of freezing days that we have had. It reminds me of the scripture that says everything is permissible but not everything is constructive. I think I have finally arrived at that spot where I have had enough and I am ready for some 70 degree weather!

As I was reading this morning I was reminded about how Jesus refueled for the mission that was ahead of him. In Mark 1:35 it tells us that he got up very early, while it was still dark and went to a solitary place to pray. Think about that. If Jesus took some time at the start of the day to silence the voices around him and pray, shouldn't we too? It's aways easiest to pray right at the start of the day. That's my favorite time and my solitary place if a quiet dimly-lit living room. It's in this place each day that I thank the Lord for another day and ask him to guide me to the places and people that I need to see.

Do you have a solitary place? How about a time when you shut out the noise and just listen to the Lord? I encourage you to find your place today. And if you do, pray for some warmth for all of us in this country that are freezing:) I'm too old to be cold!

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