More Text, Less Talk
I read an article some time ago called More Text, Less Talk. It made me think about how we relate to each other and communicate. We have so many things in our lives that make it too easy for us to stop talking to each other. Now you can do all of your shopping online, order food online, and never even have an interaction with another human being! I've even heard my daughter talking to her friends on the phone and say, "I can't talk right now, text me." Then she continues to have instant messaging conversations over real ones. My favorite coffee shop was designed around personal connections and conversation and now each morning it is more than half filled with people on laptops and and tablets or phones oblivious to anyone else around them.
The older I get the more important it is to me to have and nurture real, genuine relationships with actual people. We were made for fellowship and to connect to each other...not by text messages and phone calls but up close and personal. Use your words!
Imagine what it would have been like if all of this technology existed when Jesus was born. The wise men would have been so excited texting,"omg...gr8 news...itsaboy!". Soon there would have been three selfies with a baby in the background(using the Jerusalem photo filter) followed by an Instagram post #wefollowedthestarandfoundhim #babyJ #wearesowise! And Joseph could have just used an app to find a place to stay instead of being stuck in the barn! And when Mary would tweet to let the whole world know...think of all the followers she could have added! @motherofJesus would have been trending for sure!
Thank you Lord for those times when we put away the technology and settle down in a quiet space to thank you and discuss our lives with you as we pray. And please don't ever let us forget how important it is to talk to one another...the old fashioned way!