I Haven't Stopped

"I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better." Ephesians 1:16-17
I wonder what could happen if we all adopted the thought in this verse and made a habit of giving thanks to God for our friends and family and those we associate with? Imagine every day having a thankful heart, thinking of others and remembering those people in our prayers! It's been my focus and them for this year so far and I am seeing a dramatic difference in how close I feel to the Lord.
Paul was always thinking of other people which is why he was able to be happy in whatever situation he was in. He played the cards that were dealt to him and won every hand. His heart was that others would be given a Spirit of wisdom and revelation from God so that they would know Him better. It was always all about Jesus.
Today would be a great day to get to know the Lord better. Ask Him to give you insight and a special understanding of His Word. Spend some time today thinking about others and praying for their success. What YOU make happen for others, God WILL make happen for you! I thank God for ALL of you Cup of Joe readers and pray for you to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams today! I haven't stopped...have you? May your cup runneth over!

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