Courageous and Strong

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9
These are the words of the Lord to Joshua right after the loss of his mentor, Moses. When life changes abruptly before us it can have a negative impact on us. We can begin to feel that things can never be good again. Then, somewhere after the pity-party and self-doubt we get the Word from God and things are made right once again.
Joshua was told two things: don't be scared and don't be discouraged. When we dis-courage we open ourselves up to high levels of doubt and a spirit of unbelief. To inspire Joshua the Lord gave him a reason to not be discouraged: the Lord said I will be with you wherever you go! It's easy to TAKE COURAGE when you know that the Lord is with you all the way.
So whatever you are in the middle of right now, don't allow fear to rise within you. Be strong and TAKE COURAGE. Stand in the midst of the storm with the knowledge that the Lord is right there with you every step of the way!

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