Redeem the Time

As we complete the first half of the first month of 2014, I have been thinking a lot about how I use the minutes in the day that the Lord gives me. THIS IS the day that the Lord has made and I know that I am to rejoice and be glad as I live in it. Look at what it says in Ephesians 5:
15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.  

Making the most out of every opportunity requires each of us to "redeem the time". We need to cash in on every moment! Think of using your TIME like this...
Teach   Inspire   Motivate   Encourage

Teach others about the benefit of utilizing time wisely. Inspire them to live a life worthy of the calling of Jesus that is on them. Motivate them to keep moving and take steps, even if sits just a baby one. And encourage them to always keep their eyes fixed on Jesus and trusting in His plan. I have a feeling that if you and I would make it our mission to teach, inspire, motivate and encourage ourselves and others that we are connected to, we will indeed make the most of every opportunity and redeem the time that Christ has given to us.

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