Light it Up!

John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness,and the darkness can never extinguish it.

The other night I drove through the city looking at all of the colorful lights that have been put up for Christmas. Trees, bushes, street lamps, all shining brightly in the night. My favorite lights are the bright white lights that are used to outline buildings and rooftops. You just can't overdo it for me when it comes to Christmas lights.

Jesus came as a light for this world. Some folks wanted to hide that light. Some tried to cover it up, even put it out completely. But then something happened. He made it possible for this light to be in us. For us to be able to pass it on to our neighbors, our friends and our families. And he promised that the darkness of this world could never extinguish it.

This is a great time to let YOUR light shine so that others can see it and give glory to Jesus. Be a light that shines in the darkness!


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